
李媛媛. (2024). 浅谈中国文化在对外汉语教学中的传播优势. 教育与社会, 4(1), 17–20. 取读于 从



(贵州民族大学文学院,贵州 贵阳 550025)

【摘    要】改革开放四十多年来,中国的国际地位不断提高,并在科技、军事等领域取得了举世瞩目的成就。各个国家与中国的交往日益密切,兴起了“汉语学习的热潮”,随着汉语学习人数的增加,在全球范围内出现了“中国文化热潮“的局面。这些变化不仅促进了中国对外汉语教学的发展还促进了中国文化的海外传播。“汉语文化热潮和汉语学习热潮”在给对外汉语教学和中国文化的传播带来机遇的同时,也带来了挑战,传统的传播模式已经不能满足海外学习者的需要,需要在传统模式的基础上推陈出新,创建更多的传播渠道,增强中国文化的传播优势,促进中国文化传播的高层次发展。以往国内的研究者大多从宏观角度研究中国文化的传播优势,此处尝试从微观角度出发,研究中国文化在对外汉语教学中的传播优势,在前人理论实践研究的基础上,从中国文化传播的优势这一角度出发,深刻剖析在对外汉语教学中中国文化传播优势的现状。


On the Advantages of Spreading Chinese Culture in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Li Yuanyuan

(College of Chinese Language and Literature Guizhou Minzu University,Guizhou, Guiyang, 550025, China)

Abstract: Over the past four decades of reform and opening up, China has continuously improved its international status and made remarkable achievements in science, technology, military and other fields.With the increasingly close exchanges between various countries and China, there has been a "boom in Chinese learning". With the increase in the number of Chinese learners, there has been a situation of "Chinese culture boom" on a global scale.These changes have not only promoted the development of Chinese as a foreign language teaching in China, but also promoted the spread of Chinese culture overseas. ""Chinese Culture Craze and Chinese Learning Craze" brings opportunities and challenges to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language and the dissemination of Chinese culture. The traditional communication model can no longer meet the needs of overseas learners. It is necessary to innovate on the basis of the traditional model, create more communication channels, enhance the communication advantages of Chinese culture, and promote the high-level development of Chinese culture communication. In the past, most domestic researchers have studied the communication advantages of Chinese culture from a macro perspective. Here, we try to study the communication advantages of Chinese culture in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language from a micro perspective. Based on the theoretical and practical research of predecessors, from the perspective of the advantages of Chinese culture communication, we deeply analyze the current situation of the advantages of Chinese culture communication in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language.

Keywords: Chinese culture; communication advantages; teaching Chinese as a foreign language