
刘子璇. (2023). 高校辅导员职业素养对学生心理健康发展的促进作用研究. 教育与社会, 3(1), 15–17. 取读于 从



(广西城市职业大学,广西    崇左    532200)

【摘    要】在当前的教育实践中,高等教育机构的思想政治教育工作者面临诸多挑战。立足于现实,高校辅导员作为教育体系中的关键力量,担当着学生思想的引导者、人生道路的导航者以及道德修养的楷模角色,对于培育学生成为社会主义建设者和接班人,发挥着至关重要的作用。辅导员的职业素养直接关系到学生的心理发展。因此,探讨如何提升高校辅导员的专业能力,对于加强辅导员队伍的建设以及提高教育质量,具有极其重要的现实意义。基于此,本文对高校辅导员职业素养对学生心理成长的影响进行了深入的分析与研究。


Research on the Promoting Effect of University Counselors' Professional Quality on Students' Psychological Health Development

Liu Zixuan

(Guangxi City Vocational University, Chongzuo, Guangxi, 532200, China)

Abstract: In current educational practice, ideological and political educators in higher education institutions are facing numerous challenges. Based on the reality, university counselors, as a key force in the educational system, play the role of guides for students' thoughts, navigators for life paths, and models for moral cultivation. They play an essential role in cultivating students to become builders and successors of socialism. The professional quality of counselors is directly related to students' psychological development. Therefore, exploring how to enhance the professional capabilities of university counselors has great practical significance for strengthening the construction of the counselor team and improving the quality of education. Based on this, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis and research on the impact of university counselors' professional quality on students' psychological growth.

Keywords: Universities; Counselors; Professional Quality; Students' Psycholog