
李松峰. (2023). 基于国际化新视角下创新创业的构建模式与实施策略探究. 教育与社会, 3(1), 12–14. 取读于 从



(广东韶关学院创新创业学院,广东    韶关    512005)

【摘    要】长期以来,创新与创业活动已成为我国经济发展的重要推动力。在市场营销领域,强化青年群体的创新才能培养,不仅能够确保企业创业人才的持续增长,而且能够直接或间接地促进我国经济的进一步发展。目前,我国大学生的创新与创业教育尚处于初始阶段。为了适应青年的成长需求和推动社会的持续进步,必须在实践中不断地对创新策略进行完善与创新。基于此,本文对国际化新视角下的创新与创业构建模式及其实施策略进行了深入的分析与探讨。


Exploration of the Construction Model and Implementation Strategies for Innovation and Entrepreneurship from a New International Perspective

Li Songfeng

(College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan, Guangdong, 512005, China)

Abstract: For a long time, innovation and entrepreneurship have been important drivers of China's economic development. In the field of marketing, strengthening the cultivation of innovative talents among young people can not only ensure the continuous growth of entrepreneurial talent for enterprises but also directly or indirectly promote further economic development in our country. At present, the education of innovation and entrepreneurship for college students in China is still in its initial stage. To meet the growth needs of young people and promote continuous social progress, it is necessary to continuously improve and innovate the innovation strategy in practice. Based on this, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis and discussion of the construction model and implementation strategies for innovation and entrepreneurship under the new international perspective.

Keywords: International Perspective; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Strategies