
王耀辉. (2023). 探索民办高校课程思政教育的有效实现途径. 教育与社会, 3(1), 9–11. 取读于 从



(武昌理工学院,湖北    武汉    430223)

【摘    要】高等教育课程思政建设构成一项复杂的系统工程。在推动民办高校课程思政建设的过程中,必须切实解决“课程思政”理念未能深入人心以及“思政”与其它学科之间存在脱节的现实问题。本文指出,民办高校课程思政建设应当重视思想政治理论课程的核心引领作用,强化师资队伍的建设,完善顶层制度的设计。通过全面统筹课程与思政工作,实现深度融合与有效联系,努力将原本的“两张皮”现象转变为协调一致的“一盘棋”,从而有力地推进高校德育工作的基本任务。


Exploring Effective Implementation Pathways for Ideological and Political Education in Private Higher Education Institutions

Wang Yaohui

(Wuchang University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430223, China)

Abstract: The construction of ideological and political education within higher education courses represents a complex systematic project. In promoting the development of ideological and political education in private colleges and universities, it is essential to address the current issues where the concept of "ideological and political education within courses" has not been fully embraced and there is a disconnect between "ideological and political education" and other disciplines. This paper argues that the construction of ideological and political education in private higher education institutions should focus on the core leadership role of ideological and political theory courses, strengthen the development of the teaching staff, and improve the design of top-level systems. By comprehensively coordinating courses with ideological and political work to achieve deep integration and effective connection, efforts should be made to transform the original phenomenon of "two separate entities" into a coordinated "single entity," thereby effectively advancing the fundamental tasks of moral education in colleges and universities.

Keywords: Private Higher Education Institutions; Ideological and Political Education within Courses; System Construction; Strategies