
王芳, & 李刚. (2023). 湖北非遗生产性企业代际传承问题及对策研究. 教育与社会, 3(1), 1–4. 取读于 从


王  芳 1   李  刚 2

1 武汉传媒学院,湖北 武汉 430200;2 武汉晴川学院,湖北 武汉 430204)

【摘 要】本研究针对现阶段传统手工艺企业代际传承中存在的企业继承者的问题、技艺型员工问题以及品牌传承问题,对研究对象传统手工艺企业代际传承背景进行梳理,对相关基本概念进行界定及文献综述,结合相关理论论述现有研究中有关传统手工艺企业代际传承的研究方向、研究方式以及研究内容,分析得到可资借鉴的理论视角与研究路径,从父子传承、传承模式以及品牌传承的历史缘由、传承内容、传承路径方面分析归纳提出具体对策。研究结论:父子传承模式是以血缘为传承纽带,以继承者培养、继任为核心的企业家族型传承。师徒传承是以技艺、文化为传承纽带,以学徒的选择、培养与任用为核心的企业技艺型传承。品牌传承模式是以品牌无形资产为传承纽带,以优势无形资产培育、传承与创新为核心的企业品牌型传承。技艺及文化是三种传承模式中不可或缺的关键传承要素,父子传承、师徒传承两种模式保障了“人”和“技艺”两大主要生产要素的稳定性和持续性,解决了企业创建初期的“生存”问题。此外,企业内、外部制度环境的改善与支持为传统手工艺企业代际传承的顺利进行提供有力制度保障。


项目基金:2022 年度省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目(22G150)

Research on the Intergenerational Inheritance Issues and Countermeasures of Hubei Intangible Cultural Heritage Production Enterprises

Wang Fang1 , Li Gang2

( 1 Wuhan University of Media and Communications, Hubei, Wuhan, 430200, China; 2 Wuhan Qingchuan College, Hubei, Wuhan, 430204, China)

Abstract: This study addresses the issues in the intergenerational inheritance of traditional handicraft enterprises, including problems related to enterprise inheritors, skilled workers, and brand inheritance. It organizes the background of the intergenerational inheritance of traditional handicraft enterprises, defines related basic concepts, and reviews the literature. Combining relevant theories, it discusses the research directions, methods, and content of existing studies on the intergenerational inheritance of traditional handicraft enterprises. It analyzes and summarizes theoretical perspectives and research paths, and proposes specific countermeasures from the historical reasons, content, and paths of father-son inheritance, inheritance models, and brand inheritance. The study concludes that the father-son inheritance model is a family-type inheritance of enterprises based on blood ties, focusing on the cultivation and succession of inheritors. The master-apprentice inheritance is a skill-type inheritance of enterprises based on skills and culture, focusing on the selection, training, and employment of apprentices. The brand inheritance model is a brand-type inheritance of enterprises based on intangible assets, focusing on the cultivation, inheritance, and innovation of advantageous intangible assets. Skills and culture are key elements in all three inheritance models, with father-son and master-apprentice inheritance models ensuring the stability and continuity of the two main production elements, "people" and "skills," solving the "survival" issues in the early stages of enterprise creation. Moreover, the improvement and support of internal and external institutional environments provide a strong institutional guarantee for the smooth progress of the intergenerational inheritance of traditional handicraft enterprises.

Keywords: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Intergenerational, Inheritance

Project Fund: 2022 Provincial Department of Education Philosophy and Social Science Research Project (22G150)