
刘敏红. (2022). 艺术欣赏与评论:小学美术课程的教学策略探索. 教育与社会, 2(1), 7–9. 取读于 从



(南京外国语学校河西初级中学第一附属小学 , 江苏    南京    210041)

【摘    要】美术欣赏在小学美术教育中扮演着至关重要的角色,尽管在实际教学中所占比例不高,其深远的意义和价值却不容小觑。通过美术欣赏,学生能够培养出卓越的艺术审美能力,进而更敏锐地在生活中捕捉到美的瞬间和艺术的亮点。根据 2011 年修订的《义务教育美术课程标准》中的课程设计指导思想,教师应依据学生的身心发展阶段,为不同学段精心设计教学内容和学习活动。因此,确保各个学段的美术欣赏课程内容与教学方法相匹配,显得尤为关键。


Art Appreciation and Critique: An Exploration of Teaching Strategies in Elementary Art Curriculum

Liu Minhong

(Nanjing Foreign Language School Hexi Junior High School First Affiliated Primary School, Jiangsu, Nanjing, 210041, China)

Abstract: Art appreciation plays an indispensable role in elementary art education. Although it occupies a relatively small proportion in practical teaching, its profound significance and value cannot be overlooked. Through art appreciation, students can cultivate excellent aesthetic abilities, thereby more keenly capturing moments of beauty and artistic highlights in life. According to the curriculum design philosophy in the "Compulsory Education Art Curriculum Standards" revised in 2011, teachers should design teaching content and learning activities carefully for different stages of student development. Therefore, ensuring that the content and teaching methods of art appreciation courses in various stages match is particularly crucial.

Keywords: Art Appreciation and Critique; Art Curriculum; Teaching Strategies