
韩建国. (2021). 美术教学在分层走班教学模式下的变革与适应. 教育与社会, 1(1), 4–6. 取读于 从



(第十七中学,山东 青岛 266031)

【摘    要】近年来,随着教育改革的不断深入和实施,教学理念和教学模式都发生了质的变化,比如分层走班教学理念就受到了中学教师的欢迎。分层走班教学理念强调的是以人为本,始终把学生放在第一位,提升学生的综合素质,促进学生全面发展。在中学教学阶段实施分层走班教学理念有助于激发学生的学习动力,培养学生养成公平竞争、积极参与的社会意识,成为社会主义合格接班人。基于此,本文重点分析了分层走班教学理念在高中美术课中的具体应用,并在现代教育改革背景下强化分层走班教学理念在美术学科教学的重要性,希望为美术学科的教学提供参考意见。


The Transformation and Adaptation of Art Teaching Under the Tiered Class-Walking Teaching Model

Han Jianguo

(The Seventeenth Middle School, Qingdao, Shandong, 266031, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous deepening and implementation of educational reforms, there have been qualitative changes in educational concepts and teaching models. For instance, the concept of tiered class-walking teaching has been well-received by middle school teachers. The tiered class-walking teaching philosophy emphasizes a people-oriented approach, always putting students first, enhancing students' comprehensive qualities, and promoting the all-around development of students. Implementing the tiered class-walking teaching philosophy during the middle school stage helps to stimulate students' motivation to learn, cultivate students' awareness of fair competition and active participation, and become qualified successors of socialism. Based on this, this paper focuses on analyzing the specific application of the tiered class-walking teaching concept in high school art classes, and under the background of modern educational reform, it emphasizes the importance of the tiered class-walking teaching concept in art subject teaching, hoping to provide reference opinions for the teaching of the art subject.

Keywords: Tiered Class-Walking Teaching; Art Teaching; Educational Reform