
孙晓彤. (2021). 初中物理教育中探究性问题解决能力的初步培养策略. 教育与社会, 1(1), 1–3. 取读于 从



(四川师范大学附属昆明实验学校天娇校区,云南  昆明  650223)

【摘  要】新的课程标准倡导学生经历从生命科学到物理学,再到社会科学的转变,并加强与日常生活的联系。这样,学生能够敏锐地察觉生活中的问题,并有效地培养提出问题和发现问题的能力。对问题的深刻理解是学生必须掌握的关键技能之一。这表明,学生应通过自主思考,借助倾听和提问来获取知识和技能,并解决实际问题。教师的任务是培养学生对问题的深入理解,并激励他们主动提出和识别问题,这是推进素质教育和提升课堂教学效果的重要手段。基于这一理念,本文旨在探讨如何在初中物理教学中培养学生的探究问题能力。


Preliminary Cultivation Strategies for Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Skills in

Junior High School Physics Education

Sun Xiaotong

(Tianjiao Campus, Affiliated Kunming Experimental School of Sichuan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China)

Abstract: The new curriculum standards advocate for students to experience a transition from life sciences to physics, and then to social sciences, while strengthening the connection with everyday life. In this way, students can keenly perceive problems in life and effectively cultivate the ability to raise and identify questions. A deep understanding of problems is one of the key skills that students must master. This indicates that students should autonomously think, acquire knowledge and skills through listening and questioning, and solve practical problems. The task of teachers is to cultivate students' in-depth understanding of problems and motivate them to take the initiative to raise and identify problems, which is an important means to promote quality education and improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. Based on this concept, this paper aims to explore how to cultivate students' inquiry problem-solving skills in junior high school physics teaching.

Keywords: Junior High School Physics; Physics Teaching; Inquiry Skills