
王琪茹. (2023). 院前急救中创伤性休克的处理现状与研究进展. 当代医学进展, 3(1), 1–3. 取读于 从


( 陇南市第一人民医院,甘肃  陇南  746000)

【摘  要】创伤性休克是一种以创伤为初始表现的休克类型,对患者的生命安全构成严重威胁。院前急救在治疗创伤性休克中扮演着至关重要的角色,直接影响患者的最终预后。早期识别并迅速采取有效救治措施对创伤性休克患者至关重要。由于创伤引起的休克具有复杂多样的临床表现,如呕吐、寒战、高热和意识障碍等,因此在院前急救阶段及时采取适当措施,对于减轻休克带来的损害、挽救患者生命具有重要意义。因此,如何有效处理创伤性休克患者已成为急诊和急救医学领域中高度关注的问题。本文综述了创伤性休克的诊断方法和院前急救技术的最新研究进展。


The Current Status and Research Progress in the Management of Traumatic Shock in Prehospital Emergency Care

Wang Qiru

(The First People's Hospital of Longnan, Longnan, Gansu 746000, China)

Abstract: Traumatic shock, a type of shock initially manifested by trauma, poses a severe threat to the life safety of patients. Prehospital emergency care plays an essential role in the treatment of traumatic shock, directly affecting the final prognosis of patients. Early identification and rapid implementation of effective treatment measures are crucial for patients with traumatic shock. Due to the complex and diverse clinical manifestations of shock caused by trauma, such as vomiting, shivering, fever, and impaired consciousness, timely and appropriate measures in the prehospital emergency phase are of great significance for mitigating the damage caused by shock and saving patients' lives. Therefore, how to effectively manage patients with traumatic shock has become a highly concerned issue in the field of emergency and first-aid medicine. This article reviews the latest research progress in diagnostic methods and prehospital emergency techniques for traumatic shock.

Keywords: Prehospital Emergency Care; Traumatic Shock; Current Status; Research Progress


院前急救 创伤性休克 处理现状 研究进展